Harvard Supports Gay, AI Revolution, Military Talks

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Harvard's president, Dr. Claudine Gay, will be making revisions to her dissertation following the discovery of three new instances of "inadequate citation" in her essays. Dr. Gay has recently been confronted with increasing allegations of plagiarism.

On Wednesday, a congressional committee announced its decision to expand its ongoing investigation into antisemitism at Harvard to include an examination of Dr. Gay's academic papers. Chairwoman Virginia Foxx stated that the inquiry aims to determine if students and staff are being held to consistent academic standards.

The BBC reached out to Harvard's governing body for their input on the matter. Dr. Gay has faced calls for her resignation due to her testimony during a congressional hearing concerning antisemitism on campus.

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have reported that a non-organic intelligent system has successfully designed, planned, and executed a chemistry experiment for the first time. This remarkable development was published in the December 21st issue of the journal Nature.

The research team from Carnegie Mellon envisions that intelligent agent systems designed for autonomous scientific experimentation will lead to significant discoveries, including unexpected therapies and novel materials. While the specific nature of these discoveries remains uncertain, the researchers are optimistic about a new paradigm in research enabled by the collaborative partnership between humans and machines, as outlined in their paper.

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In a significant development, General C.Q. Brown, Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, engaged in a conversation with his Chinese counterpart, General Liu Zhenli, on Thursday morning, effectively bringing an end to a prolonged impasse that had persisted between the two military forces for nearly a year and a half. This diplomatic breakthrough was officially announced by the Pentagon.

Notably, General Brown's dialogue with General Liu marks a historic moment as he becomes the first senior U.S. military official to engage in direct communication with his Chinese counterpart since November, when leaders of both nations reached an agreement to resume military talks. This resumption of communication comes after China had frozen all military discussions in response to a visit by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan in August 2022. The crucial conversation between the two generals occurred through a video teleconference on Thursday morning, as reported by the Pentagon.